Representative Sport Trials

Dear Parents and Carers,

Listed below are details of sports that have upcoming trials that occur after school. These are for high level representative players only. Riverbank is able to send a few players from each sport if they meet the high-level criteria. They will be trialling with other high-level students from schools in the Ridges and surrounding areas. 

Please note that these trials are not related to our school PSSA teams that are currently trialling on Friday at Peel Reserve. 


Ridges Open Boys and Girls Soccer trials is open to students who play a high standard/representative level.  If your child plays high level/representative soccer can they please see Miss Evans at school for more information about these upcoming trials.

Students need to see Miss Evans at school tomorrow (Thursday) for more information if they meet the criteria.

Kind regards,

Riverbank Public School

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Riverbank Public School
Address: 25 Wentworth Street The Ponds NSW 2769
Phone: 02 9626 7511

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